About you, one photo isn’t going to cut it if you want to match with a legit woman who is curious.

About you, one photo isn’t going to cut it if you want to match with a legit woman who is curious.

As soon as your pictures take point, PLEASE, PLEASE then add text to your profile that states something significantly more than your numerical description (your height, fat or real age) and/or your hobbies told through the example of emoji.

That’s right, we would like terms in your profile!

Better yet — short, complete sentences.

Here’s a typical example of interesting profile text:

You want to know whether we possibly may discover something to like about yourself except that how you look. If we’re swiping for such a thing apart from a hook-up, we are in need of a lot more than a pretty face and body that is appealing. Continuar leyendo “About you, one photo isn’t going to cut it if you want to match with a legit woman who is curious.”